FilmNation snags rights to former Disney animator’s ‘Three Shadows’

(CBR) Former Disney animator Cyril Pedrosa has sold the movie rights to his graphic novel “Three Shadows” to FilmNation Entertainment, Variety reports. His Disney credits include “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” and “Hercules”.

Published in the United States in 2008 by First Second, “Three Shadows” centers on three shadows that have come for the son of couple Louis and Lise, who flee their home on a journey to the ends of the Earth in order to escape death.

FilmNation”s current releases include “All Is Lost” starring Robert Redford, “Nebraska” starring Bruce Dern and “Saturday Night Live” alum Will Forte, and Jonathan Glazer”s “Under the Skin” starring Scarlett Johansson. Other upcoming projects on FilmNation”s plate are “The Good House” with Meryl Streep and Robert DeNiro starring; “The Rules of Inheritance” starring Jennifer Lawrence and “A Tale Dark and Grimm” directed by Henry Selick.