(CBR) After playing a pivotal role in four feature films and being a constant presence in the Marvel Universe for over 50 years, the mutant known as Magneto is finally getting his first ongoing series. The new comic, written by Cullen Bunn with art by Gabriel Hernandez Walta, will follow Magneto as he strikes out on his own after years standing at Cyclops’ side on the X-Men. Even though he’s been around since 1963, this will be the first time that readers will get to see the Master of Magnetism as the protagonist on a regular basis.
Magneto’s not the only prominent Marvel character to go decades without an ongoing series, but now that Marvel’s cranking out new solo titles on a near weekly basis, it makes sense that a perpetual team player like Magneto would finally headline his own. But why stop there? There are plenty of Marvel characters just ready to fly solo, and a lot of them have been waiting a long time for that opportunity! Here are five characters we feel are ready for prime time, headlining their own self-titled books.