Five other comic book roles perfect for Bryan Cranston

(CBR) For any diehard Superman fans still reeling from Jesse Eisenberg”s unexpected casting as Lex Luthor in the upcoming Superman vs. Batman (vs. Seemingly Every DC Hero) film, Bryan Cranston”s recent revelation on “The Howard Stern Show” had to be even more upsetting. When asked about the possibility of Cranston ever playing Luthor, the former “Breaking Bad” star revealed that he “was not involved in any of that whatsoever,” but that he “would have welcomed it.” Yep, Bryan Cranston could have been Lex Luthor if Warner Bros. had even asked him.

So Lex Luthor”s out of the way, and so what? There are plenty of other comic book characters worthy of the acclaimed actor”s talents. Here are just some of the heroes and villains perfectly suited to Cranston”s capabilities.