‘Full Frontal with Samantha Bee’ gets its Werner Herzog on with Jeb!

The disciples of Jon Stewart have spread far and wide across late night over the last couple of years (in much the same way that Johnny Carson's would-be successors wound up competing against each other in the '90s), so that there's no longer just one late night series with Daily Show DNA, but a lot, including Trevor Noah's Daily Show, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and, starting last night, TBS' Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.

Bee had a very strong first show, chowing down on the low-hanging fruit that is both sides of this current presidential election, whether suggesting that Bernie Sanders was trying to flag down a waitress throughout his latest debate, or referring to Donald Trump as a “sentient caps lock button.”

Her best segment was on perhaps the easiest target: Jeb Bush, who assumed he would be the frontrunner and now lingers near the bottom of the Republican field. Kicking Bush when he's down isn't particularly challenging, but the way Fully Frontal did it – by treating Bush as the subject of a Werner Herzog-style documentary like Grizzly Man – more than made up for that:

What did everybody think of Bee's debut? Are you prepared to add Full Frontal to your late night rotation, or are there too many Daily Show wannabes out there to even make room for one that's weekly?