Get your first official look at the whole Justice League team in this DC Films image

We know the Justice League is coming to the big screen. That”s the end game of “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” and “Wonder Woman” after all. To get the iconic legends of DC Comic”s greatest superhero team together in one place. All the principal players have been cast, the release dates for stand alone films announced. It was just a matter of time before the first image of the team hit the Internet.

Today is that day.

This morning, DC Films made an official Facebook account for the upcoming “Wonder Woman” film. The guys over at did some digging and realized ANOTHER Facebook account was created at the same time: one for DC Films.

Lo and behold, an image of the entire Justice League was plastered all over the page.

Image Credit: Warner Bros./DC Films

The only problem? No blue checkmark. While the “Wonder Woman” page has the badge of honor that declares it an official branded page, the DC Films Facebook account is lacking one*. However, I reached out to my contacts at Warner Bros. and they confirmed it”s the real deal. Sometimes Facebook just dawdles on putting their stamp of approval on things.

*[UPDATE: 1/19/16 1:34pm EDT] –  The blue checkmark has appeared!

So there you have it! Our first (stylized) look at the Justice League line-up!