Hear U2’s new song, ‘Invisible’ in full

U2″s new song, “Invisible,” which will debut in a 60-second commercial during the Super Bowl showed up on iTunes an hour before the big kick-off.

The song, which is available for free download on iTunes, is an upbeat track, produced by Danger Mouse, that sounds like it”s going to burst into a full-on dance track in the first few measures, instead it stays at a pretty consistent mid-tempo track.

Bono sings that he is “more than you know, I”m not invisible,” as he recounts a relationship whose pain melts away as time moves on.

Instead of a romantic relationship, it seems to be more about a power dynamic between us and them and whoever had been holding someone else down will soon realize that the power has shifted.

Edge gets some pretty tasty licks in during a guitar breakdown before the bridge, during which Bono chants, “There is no them, there is no them, only us.”

It”s a fair-to-middling U2 song, one that hints at what the quartet is capable of but doesn”t really have the stickiness or emotional wallop of its better material.

You can click on the above link to hear the free song. We didn’t embed it here because it’s free on iTunes and for every download, The Global Fund will receive a $1 donation from Bank of America. The Global Fund was set up by (RED), the charity started by Bono and Bobby Shriver to fight AIDS, TB, and malaria in Africa. In its 8 years, (RED) has raised more than $240 million.

The video for “Invisible,” 60 seconds of which will air during the Super Bowl, was directed by Mark Romanek.

“Invisible” will be on U2″s new album, out later this year. Backstage at the Golden Globes, U2 told the press that it had put the new set, its first since 2009, on hold to work on “Ordinary Love” from “Mandela.”

“We kind of put our album on hold to make this song happen. We’ve been waiting for quite a while to get the final call that the movie was kind of happening and it was on its way.  We signed up and committed,” said The Edge. “The timing was not ideal, we put our album to one side. We’re getting back to it now, and we’re really excited about what we got going.”

Below is the Super Bowl commercial, which features the band playing the song live.

What do you think of “Invisible?”