Hours later, LeVar Burton’s ‘Reading Rainbow’ Kickstarter campaign is closing in on its $1M goal

Hours later, LeVar Burton”s “Reading Rainbow” Kickstarter campaign is closing in on its $1M goal
Burton launched the Kickstarter this morning, with a deadline of July 2 to raise the $1 million.

Watch Mindy Kaling speak at Harvard Class Day
“The Mindy Project” star told graduates: “A lot of you will become the quiet heroes of our country – however, those of you who go on to work for Big Pharma or Philip Morris, you will be the loud antiheroes, and someone is certain to make an AMC series glamorizing you, so congratulations.”

Showtime orders “L Word Mississippi: Hate the Sin”
“The L Word” creator Ilene Chaiken and her “Real L Word” crew will document the struggles of lesbians in the South.

“Modern Family”s” co-creator is locked in a contract dispute
Will Christopher Lloyd be part of Season 6?

Barbara Walters comes out of retirement to celebrate Diane Sawyer”s historic achievement
Sawyer became the first solo female anchor to win a sweeps month in the key 25-54 news demo.

Nick at Nite adding “HIMYM,” “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” and “Everybody Loves Raymond”
“How I Met Your Mother” reruns and “Fresh Prince” will debut in the fall, while “Raymond” repeats will air early next year.

Check out “Pretty Little Liars”” mask-themed poster
Here”s the poster for Season 5. PLUS: Lucy Hale didn”t like being photoshopped to be skinnier for GQ.

“Shameless” adds a Tony winner
“Once”s” Steve Kazee will play a rock musician who gets involved with Fiona.