In Marvel’s box office record-breaking Avengers: Infinity War, big bad Thanos wields the power of the Infinity Gauntlet, a fancy glove designed to hold the Infinity Stones (the word “Infinity” has lost all meaning): the Space Stone, Mind Stone, Reality Stone, Power Stone, Time Stone, and Soul Stone. That’s all well and good (except for half the universe’s population that vanished with the snap of a purple finger), but one question: when did Thanos acquire the Gauntlet?
Previous to the destructive events of Infinity War, the Gauntlet appears in Thor and Thor: Ragnarok in Odin’s vault (except, as Hela explains, it’s a fake), and the post-credits scene in Avengers: Age of Ultron, where Thanos concedes, “Fine… I’ll do it myself.” It’s a convoluted MCU timeline that confused fans who wondered what Thanos was doing between Age of Ultron and Infinity War (and opened up questions about when the post-credits scene actually takes place).
Thankfully, co-screenwriter Christopher Markus provided an answer.
“I think the Gauntlet was made when Loki was pretending to be Odin [in Thor: The Dark World],” Markus explained to Collider. “Presumably, Eitri was running a relatively regular business and people would have gone there and said something. So, it hasn’t been that long.” Eitri is the dwarf king portrayed by Peter Dinklage in Infinity War who reveals that Thanos forced his people to construct the Infinity Gauntlet; all of the dwarves are killed after the Gauntlet is completed, minus one, Eitri, whose hands are cruelly turned into stone.
This also adds to the narrative ramifications of Loki’s impersonation of Odin for a few years after faking his death in Thor: The Dark World. Not only did it allow for Hela’s return to Asgard and its eventual destruction in Ragnarok, but it also paved the way for Thanos to easily take over Nidavellir which was left vulnerable without the real Odin’s protection. (Via)
If only one had Cable’s doohickeys to go back and clean everything up.
(Via Collider and ScreenRant)