Listen: Is Carly Rae Jepsen’s new song ‘This Kiss’ maybe a hit?

At the end of the video for “Call Me Maybe,” it became all too clear that the object of Carly Rae Jepsen”s affections was not going to be returning her feelings any time soon.

On new single, “This Kiss,” she has another issue: the boy she”s “taking it way too far” with is not available for another reason: he”s got a girlfriend.

[More after the jump…]

But Jepsen”s already smitten and it”s a little too late to turn back now on this pop ditty. The song has none of the irresistible charm of “Call Me Maybe” and too much of the same beat and electro-pop feel.

Additionally, some folks may be put off that she”s even thinking about cheating. She hasn”t yet, but the lyrics make it a foregone conclusion that if his lips happen to fall on hers, she”s not saying no.  Even though she”s 26, Jepsen”s appeal is in that 12-15 age range.

We”ve now heard “Call Me Maybe,” “Good Time” and “This Kiss.” Is it clear to everyone that Carly Rae is the new Debbie Gibson? Somewhere along the line, and probably within the next two singles, there will be a ballad about a lost love or getting lost in her lover”s eyes.

The success of a song like “Call Me Maybe” comes once in a career, if an artist is lucky, but it may have been wise to have followed up with a tune that didn”t sound so similar.

 “This Kiss” is from “Kiss,” which comes out Sept. 18.

What do you think of “This Kiss?”