Is Robert Downey Jr. considering returning for ‘Iron Man 4′?

(CBR) A question mark has dangled over Robert Downey Jr.”s future as Iron Man for more than year, as the actor – the highest paid in Hollywood for two years in a row now – began to suggest his involvement with the Marvel franchise could be coming to an end. Indeed, his new studio contract covers “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” and its sequel, with no mention of “Iron Man 4.”

But asked “point-blank” by Entertainment Weekly whether he wants to star in another solo film, Downey indicated he”s certainly open to the possibility.

“It”s down to Kevin [Feige, Marvel Studios president] and Ike [Perlmutter, CEO of Marvel Entertainment] and Disney to come to us with what the proposal is, and that”s on us to agree or disagree,” said Downey, who made more than $50 million from The Avengers alone. “When things are going great, there”s a lot of agreement.”

Considering “Avengers” grossed $1.5 billion worldwide and “Iron Man 3” earned $1.2 in the same arena, things seem to be going better than great. Downey agreed, saying, “Right now, this has just been swell, hasn”t it? This has been a really good one and it feels good and we”re having a good time.”

The question of whether Marvel and Disney will want to shell out more cash for Downey is another question. The notoriously frugal studio was said to be “so pissed” about his “Avengers” payday, and has been known to replace actors (just ask Terrence Howard).

“It”s that thing of: Why give up the belt when it feels like you can barely get jabbed?” Downey said. “Most people are saying that right when they get knocked out.” According to EW he then shrugged, smiled and said, “The future is, as usual, uncertain.”

Joss Whedon”s “Avengers: Age of Ultron” opens May 1, 2015.