14 Jaw-Dropping Photorealistic Doll Repaints You Have To See To Believe

For anyone who has ever perused the doll aisle at their local toy store – either in search of a gift for a child or just too look because grown adults can like dolls too DON’T YOU JUDGE ME – it can be a jarring nightmare of dead-eyed replicas of beloved actors and characters. There is only so much resemblance that can be obtained by a robot spray paint onto a generic rubberized skull.

Enter Noel Cruz. With a preternatural artistic skill, Cruz can take any doll and turn it into a uncanny work of art. His most recent work, Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen – just sold for almost $2000. 

Source: Noeling

Cruz considers his repaints to be 3D portraits. And with finished sculptures like this, I’m inclined to agree with him. See more of his art after the jump or visit his website to see his complete collection!