Joe Manganiello Wants You To See His Sweet Deathstroke Look From ‘Justice League’

Did you catch well-liked actor and celebrated muscle farm Joe Manganiello‘s work as Deathstroke in Justice League? Reports of weak box office returns suggests you missed the 2017 NHL Awards host (yes, that happened) all decked out in his Slade Wilson finery. Don’t worry, Joe’s an accommodating hunk.

You’ve ventured this far so spoilers shouldn’t be too much of a worry. His appearance in the film is in a decidedly limited capacity (he and Gal Gadot don’t open a GameStop together in the second act or anything) and the hook seems to be a tease of more to come from Mr. Wilson than anything else. After all, those Deathstroke solo movie rumblings are still out there, dang it. Manganiello wasn’t going to let all that costuming go to waste.

It’s not a bad look! It’s the sort of thing any DC fan can enjoy and the sort of thing folks with erotic fantasies of Manganiello (with eye-patch) and Ron Perlman daddyfighting can also enjoy. Based on Justice League’s underwhelming performance, the latter might be a more sensible Warner Bros. investment.

Provided DC’s plans to continue forward without any sort of Dark Universe plug-pulling, Manganiello’s Deathstroke is being lineup up for a future film helmed by The Raid filmmaker Gareth Evans.