How John Stamos Tied Himself in Knots Over the ‘Full House’ Re-boot

You guys, John Stamos is being weird. Sit back and watch the weirdness unfold:

  1. First he forgot to tell Mary-Kate and Ashley about the Full House reboot
  2. Then he LIED ABOUT IT:
  3. Then, in response to Lifetime making an unauthorized ‘Full House” tell-all movie, he tweeted ”


  4. Then he played rock paper scissors with Bob Saget while wearing two pairs of glasses: ”


Okay, so uncle Jesse is passionately protective of the Full House re-boot, I guess that”s actually kind of cute. It”s clear that he is the papa bear of this project and is under the impression that he needs to protect his cubs. Stamos is ALL ABOUT the Full House reboot, and I don”t blame him.

I gotta say, though, I highly HIGHLY doubt that John Stamos or anybody else “forgot” to tell Mary-Kate and Ashley that this was happening. I”m sorry, do I live in my own little millennial world or were those two the most important part of the show? Would anyone forget to invite Dawson to the Dawson”s Creek reunion? I don”t think so.

So now, the mystery remains: why are the Olsens pretending to have not been told about the reboot? Somebody is lying, and I”m on a mission to find out who. In the meantime, follow @JohnStamos on twitter to experience the Full House intensity first hand.