Joy Behar calls Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s ‘hate-filled remark’ about Rosie ‘below the belt’

Joy Behar calls Elisabeth Hasselbeck”s “hate-filled remark” about Rosie “below the belt”
Speaking on CNN, the former “View” star dismissed Hasselbeck”s comments as nonsense because “everything”s fiction on Fox anyway.” PLUS: Exec producer Bill Geddie is expected to exit if/when Rosie returns.

Netherlands fan Seth Meyers tossed an iPad when he learned on air that his team had lost
The “Late Night” host – who became a Netherlands soccer fan while living in Amsterdam performing improv – had rearranged his schedule to watch yesterday”s World Cup semi-finals match, only for it to go into extra time. PLUS: Meyers has a “forced friendship” with Keith Morrison.

Syfy greenlights “The Magicians” pilot
The proposed series is based on Lev Grossman”s fantasy book trilogy.

NatGeo and David Hasselhoff sued over Berlin Wall documentary
The Hoff allegedly signed on for another Berlin Wall documentary.