Watch: Katy Perry’s gorgeous ‘Unconditionally’ video

Katy Perry is the fairest of them all in the beautiful video for new single, “Unconditionally.” She travels through time and different scenarios -outside in the snow, at a ball – as her love burns through her (literally).

With frozen scenes that look like lavishly photographed tableaux, the video is a sumptuous visual feast with looks inspired by films like “Dangerous Liaisons” and “Anna Karenina,” according to Perry.

Love is a serious matter and it can feel like you”ve gotten hit by a truck when the right one comes along. In a beautiful explosion of color, the outdoor Perry gets hit by a car and the hit causes another version of herself to be immersed in flower petals that flow around her until the two images meld into one stunning final image.

It”s an intense video that attempts to capture real love. Perry isn”t winking to the camera. She is at her most vulnerable and her most beautiful. We never see the object of her desire and we don’t need to. We know her love for him is complete.

“Unconditionally” is the second single from her No. 1 album, “Prism.” 

What do you think of “Unconditionally?”