Last week on Last Week Tonight, John Oliver went after Donald Trump in a segment that you either loved or loved and also wondered if perhaps Oliver had become a “brilliant and hilarious schoolmarm to the world.” (Or thought was just okay and would prefer that Oliver ease off on the holier-and-smarter-than-thou lecture/aggregationfests that are becoming his show's bread and butter.)
Oliver went back to Trump briefly last night because, well, after a week that saw two potential presidential candidates discussing penis size on a national stage, he pretty much had to.
We got some good digs in at Trump's appearance (“Trump does resemble a kidney dropped on the floor at a Supercuts”) and basically an outtake from last week's show: Morgan Fairchild narrating Ivana Trump's book For Love Alone, a “barely fictionalized account” of the Trumps' marriage. Warning: it will leave you with a mental image you will very much wish you didn't have.
Watch here.