Last night's episode of HBO's Westworld included another fantastic cover song. Previously the series had been utilizing the player piano in order to sneak in modern tunes but the Nine Inch Nails song included in “Contrapasso” is my favorite. And now you can buy some of them!
Show composer Ramin Djawadi (who also works in Game of Thrones) provides us with a bit of an ear worm almost every week on the show. “The show has an anachronistic feel to it,” he told Vulture earlier this month. “It's a Western theme park, and yet it has robots in it, so why not have modern songs? And that's a metaphor in itself, wrapped up in the overall theme of the show.”
If you've been interesting in adding these to your personal collection, guess what? You can! “Westworld: Season 1 (Selection from the HBO Series” is available on iTunes as a 5-song EP for $4.99 (you can purchase the tracks individually for $1.29). It includes the covers we've heard from Sound Garden, the Rolling Stones, Radiohead, and the Cure plus the show's theme song.
Last night I was blown away by the cover of Nine Inch Nails' “Something I Can Never Have,” but sadly that tune, as well as Johnny Cash's “Ain't No Grave,” (and a few other classics they've utilized) aren't available on this album.
While you may not be able to buy all of them just yet (maybe there will be a later release?), we can re-listen to that epic NIN cover thanks to the soothing sounds of the Vitamin String Quartet on YouTube.
(via BMD)