As the elder statesman of Star Wars, Mark Hamill is more outspoken than most of his co-stars (Harrison “You Can Type This Sh*t, But You Can’t Say It” Ford excepted). He publicly criticized The Last Jedi writer Rian Johnson’s direction for Luke Skywalker, shared the correct order to watch the films, and revealed the big change in The Force Awakens for Episode VIII. Hamill is the (now-bearded) face of Star Wars, but it sounds like he’s done with the franchise.
When discussing the on-screen death of Ford’s Han Solo and the real-life passing of Carrie Fisher, Hamill told ABC News, “It really has tarnished my ability to enjoy it to its fullest. You were asking earlier, ‘Are you gonna come back?’ I don’t care anymore, on that level. Because Han Solo is gone, Luke is gone. You just can’t get the band back together the way you wanted it to be, and it shouldn’t be that way. It is what it is. Rather than being sorry that we can’t have more of her, I’m just grateful that we had the time with her that we did.”
There’s been some talk of Luke, who heroically died at the end of The Last Jedi, returning in the J.J. Abrams-directed Episode IX, like Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Special Edition Hayden Christensen before him. But based on Hamill’s comments, he might be over with hokey religions and ancient weapons.
(Via ABC News)