Fan art discovery: A sweet, heart-warming take on superheroes and ‘Star Wars’

Spider-Man reunited with his Marvel pals, The Flash getting in trouble for using flash photography at the museum, Disney princesses in line at Disneyland, and other adorable imaginings of fan-favorite characters are the subjects of the art of Mauricio Abril – one of my favorite discoveries on the exhibit hall floor at Comic-Con this year.

Abril”s art – mostly made digitally, though he sometimes uses watercolor – reveals a child-at-heart that”s gotta be alive and well inside this molecular biologist-turned-artist. Many of his heart-warming pieces feature cape-clad superheroes as kids. Among his work is a sweet Halloween-set print called “Shadow Play,” Team Cap on a road trip in Civil War“s blue Beetle, and multiple pieces that are tributes to geek dads.

HitFix”s video team visited Abril”s booth at Comic-Con. Check out our video featuring his art below:

You can see more of Abril”s work on his website at