Welcome to HitFix Harpy”s latest show, CVMT. Every day (more or less), I”ll be taking to Facebook Live to talk about (C)omics, (V)ideo Games, (M)ovies, and (T)elevison. Sometimes it”ll be news, sometimes a recommendation, occasionally a rant. Or – knowing me – oftentimes a rant.
Each episode will be available live on my Facebook Page! Or tune in here the next day to find links with more information about the topics at hand!
• Look at this cover of Doctor Strange, featuring Satana! But ignore her wonky outfit.
• Head over here to get all the details on the Murloc Shaman in Hearthstone.
• Go watch the trailer for Loving RIGHT NOW.
• Give me your best guess on which mutants will be in Fox”s new show.