Nicki Minaj calls out the VMAs for racism, Taylor Swift makes it all about her

[UPDATE 7/23/15 – 1:00PM EDT]: Nicki Minaj has accepted Taylor Swift's apology. Our long national nightmare is over.



[UPDATE 7/23/15 – 11:37AM EDT]: Taylor Swift just took to Twitter to apologize for jumping to conclusions about Nicki Minaj's tweets and completely missed the point of what Minaj was saying:



Today MTV announced their nominees for the 2015 Video Music Awards. Not among the contenders for Video of the Year? Nicki Minaj”s “Anaconda.” This despite shattering the VEVO record for most views in 24 hours – 19.6 million if you”re keeping track – and becoming a cultural phenomenon.

Nicki Minaj took to Twitter to voice her disappointment and call out the undercurrent of racial and body image double-standards that exist in the music industry.






Nicki Minaj was not throwing shade at her fellow artists. She was throwing shade at the system. She”s not speaking in a vacuum. There have been many articles popping up about the intersection of race and feminism and the music industry.

Then along comes Taylor Swift to make it all about her.


This is how to be a bad ally. When an oppressed party tells you the system is rigged against them, you don”t respond with the equivalent of #AllGirlsMatter and “WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME?” melodrama.

Even Minaj was confused by Swift”s response.


But her fans were quick to point out the error of Swift”s ways, with Minaj RT”ing in solidarity:




But if Taylor Swift wants to be dragged by Nicki Minaj, dragged she will be.
