Outrage Watch: Zayn Malik’s vacation betrayal

Welcome to the April 2, 2015 edition of Outrage Watch, HitFix's (almost) daily rundown of all the things folks are peeved about in entertainment. Today's top story: One Direction fans are not at all happy with Zayn Malik's awesome vacation.

In the unfolding saga of the hottest 1D member's recent departure from the top-selling boy band, some fans are now blasting Malik for engaging in fun with girlfriend Perrie Edwards and his family in some fabulous place, as revealed by the lucky lady on Instagram Wednesday:


Gee, aren't we all glad he's convalescing from the rigors of fame? No?










Want more? There's plenty of indignation to go around. See below for a full roundup of today's kerfuffles.

Outraged: Twitter, The Root contributor Yesha Callahan, others
Target: Isaiah Washington
Why: After informing Chris Rock that all that's required to combat the phenomenon colloquially known as “Driving While Black” (DWB) is to trade in your $90,000 Mercedes for three Priuses — or as Washington terms it, “#Adapt” — the actor was slammed by the Twitter hordes for totally missing the point of the comedian's chronicling of his own recent brushes with law enforcement.






Over at The Root, Yesha Callahan weighed in by writing: “Washington”s theory about adapting is flawed. I”m going to need him to put the onus where it belongs, and not in the hands of black people.”

Meanwhile, here's Washington explaining himself to Don Lemon while wearing Rev. Henry Kane's hat from “Poltergeist II.”

Outraged: George Takei
Target: “Religious Freedom Restoration Acts” enacted in several different states, including Indiana
Why: In an impassioned post Thursday on The Daily Beast, the “Star Trek” icon painted the myriad state laws — which many believe allow business to discriminate against LGBT individuals by citing their religious beliefs — as “'sore loser' laws designed to make as hollow as possible the fruits of marriage equality. That the state would sanction this type of law, which effectively gives shopkeepers and proprietors the right to turn-out-the-gays, feeds into a general unwelcoming atmosphere where LGBTs cannot feel accepted or at peace, precisely because they never know when or from whom the next indignity will come.”

Read the full piece here.