Florida is known as the place where weird things happen. Need some examples? There”s that time a pregnant woman attacked a man with a bowl of spaghetti. Or when a man died after winning a cockroach-eating competition. And who could forget when a Miami-area man tried to pay for beer with an alligator. Well, we”ve got a new entry, and it”s a call back to the Stone Age.
A Key West resident illegally parked his Flintstone“s-inspired car in the island community. But before the city decided to have it taken to the impound lot, they chose to use a high-tech solution to track down the owner of this lowest-tech vehicle. Or better put, they posted a note on Facebook.
“This Flintstone car is in front of 828 Emma Street,” they wrote. “It is illegally parked in the public right of way. It's been red tagged, but the City would really like to find the owner before we have to take it away. The owner has not yet come forward. Please, if you know whose it is, let them know.”
And guess what? It worked. The yet-unnamed owner came forward and retrieved the prehistoric ride.
One can only assume the driver (Fred?) was at the bowling alley.