A week ahead of its premiere, Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s “HitRECord on TV” has already been renewed for a second season on Pivot.
It’s a bit disingenuous, of course, to say that “HitRECord” hasn’t premiered. Not only has Joseph Gordon-Levitt been doing the show in live and online forms for years, but the premiere has been up on YouTube for several days and already has more than 500,000 viewers.
The official Pivot premiere will be on Saturday, January 18 with the airing of two episodes, though episodes will be shown at the Sundance Film Festival the night before.
“I’m deeply proud of this show and I”m thrilled that Pivot”s giving us a chance to do it again,” blurbs Gordon-Levitt in the Pivot announcement. “Honestly, making this together with all the artists from around the world in our hitRECord community has been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life so far. I can”t wait to start making the next season.”
The first and second “HitRECord” seasons will both be eight episodes apiece, with each episode focusing on a single theme and featuring contributions from the show’s rabid and creative online community.
“Joe and thousands of artists around the world have come together to create something truly revolutionary — a magical one-of-a-kind mix of genres, media and talent. We are thrilled to extend our relationship with Joe and the team on a second season to bring a spotlight to even more talented RECorders on Pivot,” blurbs Pivot President Evan Shapiro.