Recap: ‘Project Runway’ – ‘Clothes Off Your Back’

Not to bum anyone out, but tonight’s recap may be a little frayed around the edges (not unlike those Chanel jackets from a few years back) as my little dog Bacon, a rescue I’ve had since Denise Richards was married to Charlie Sheen, died unexpectedly earlier this evening following surgery. But fashion waits for no man or beast, so we will soldier on. R.I.P., little friend. 

This week’s challenge? The designers must find a muse to inspire a fashion-forward look. They must find this muse in Central Park, which is kind of like looking for inspiration at the airport or a 24 Hour Fitness. But that’s not the only challenge awaiting our intrepid designers! There’s a twist! They must convince their muse to give them the clothes off their back, then create outfits using said clothes.The budget of $150 can be used to bribe the muse, and whatever’s leftover can be used at Mood. The designers groan. I also groan. I mean, come on! What exactly does this have to do with actual design? The toughest part of this challenge is, if you ask me, trying to get someone to give you a decent piece of clothing so you can hand them a white T-shirt in exchange. I think most people would see this as a pretty crappy deal, even if you’re a fan of “Project Runway.” 

While the designers run frantically around Central Park, Anthony notices that Mila has suddenly developed a personality. I’m sure she can be very charming when she wants something. Wasn’t Cruela De Vil a charmer when she wanted all those puppy skins to make a fur coat? 

The designers are getting a lot of “no” no matter how sweet and manipulative they try to be, however. Jerrel gives a chick  $20 for her shirt, which is a good deal given that everyone else seems to be offering $50. Eventually everyone in Central Park has been hassled and stripped (which is sort of like what it was like visiting Times Square in the ’80s, I suppose) and it’s off to Mood. 

While checking out, Kara runs out of money. Oh, no! She’s screwed, right? No one’s going to help her out this far into the competition, right? Actually, Anthony, Michael and Kenley all give her a buck. Mila thinks they’re stupid. Of course she wouldn’t help any of the other designers! Because none of them like her! 

Mondo points out this is basically how he got into design in the first place — buying crappy clothes, ripping them up, then making cooler stuff. So, Mondo was kind of like Molly Ringwald in “Pretty in Pink”! 

In the workroom, Michael is not inspired. He’s working with his tablecloth/macrame potholder top and not knowing how to use it. I’d suggest DON’T USE IT! It’s not a Woodstock retro challenge, Michael. 

Joanna time. Yay. Let’s get some non-advice and therapist-speak from Joanna (“What do you think it looks like?”). Joanna wonders if this is a challenge Mondo could win. She feels anxious about Jerell’s mix. Anthony, on the other hand, thinks Jerell’s outfit looks like she’s coming to America. I want Anthony to come back to the show someday and take Joanna’s job. He may not always have great taste, but he’s ALWAYS fun. 

Joanna thinks Austin’s epaulets are a little too large. Hey, actual advice! She thinks Anthony’s look is going to come together, but honestly, Anthony doesn’t even seem convinced that it will. Tim Gunn would have helped him find a sense of direction, Joanna. Joanna thinks Michael’s dress reminds her of doilies. Michael is crushed! Yeah, well, for once I’m agreeing with Joanna. 

Austin calls Jerell’s outfit one of the most tasteless things he’s ever seen in his life. But Jerell is ready to win. I’m really in between the two of them. Jerell’s outfit has a certain vintage Versace feel to it, but so many of the elements are off it’s still a miss. As Kara says there are a lot of women in Jerell’s outfit, and a lot of conversations taking place. That is a very nice way of calling it a hot mess, I think.

Mila can’t understand why Kenley keeps offering people advice! And why she’s helping Kara finish her pants! Mila would like to kill them both. 

Michael asks the hair guy to create a look that’s Sarah Jessica Parker circa 1999 meets 2002, but futuristic. I think the hair guy probably wants to slap Michael really, really hard. 

Runway time! Georgina Chapman, Isaac Mizrahi and guest judge Sean Avery (hockey star by day and Vogue intern other days) will be judging.  

Michael C. – lace shorts, knit top

I guess he dumped the doilies. This just looks like a swimsuit, though. And what’s with the top? It looks like it was made for a woman with a bigger chest. 

Austin – striped skirt, men’s T-shirt

I love this outfit, really. The circle skirt is cute, the 3/4 length sleeved jacket is chic, and the epaulets work.

Kara – navy skirt, various shirts

This is fine, but I’m not seeing a lot of innovation or a lot of the source material.

Mila – men’s jeans, jersey shirts

This is… okay. Don’t dig the pants, though. The whole effect is kind of blah, thanks to the colors she used. I guess I should just be glad there’s no color blocking.

Jerell – dashiki and tie-dyed dress

I actually like the idea of this, but the bikini top is just too junky, it shows way too much skin and, to work, this needed to have consistency in fabric texture. 

Rami – suit jacket, dress shirt

The is a cute outfit, and he makes good use of the little details to show off the original outfit material. Very cute. 

Kenley – striped silk top, tote bag

This is actually a pretty sharp little dress. Except for those hip patches. They’re just a little too big and sorta look like oven mitts. 

Anthony – vintage top, T-shirts

There’s just too much fabric in the sash detail on the pants. We don’t want to look fatter, Anthony! And what happened to the wackadoo top?

Mondo – maxi dress, denim pants

I like this — though I think Mondo had some pretty great source material, too. But the details are spot-on — love the cutout in the back. 

Angela calls Kenley, Mila and Kara. They’re all safe. Whoot! No girls going home this week! 

We start with Rami. Georgina loved the trim on the shorts. Isaac really liked the look. Angela would love to see women in business suits with this kind of style.

Michael talks about his swimsuit. Georgina says her daughter wouldn’t be allowed out in this. Isaac hates the sageness of the top. Sean says it needs a jacket or something. Sean has good ideas, but he talks as if he’s taken too many punches to the head in the ice rink. 

Isaac thinks Jerell’s outfit needs to be in the Lion King. Georgina loves the top, but there’s too much going on.  

Angela would die for Mondo’s outfit. Georgina loves the detailing. Isaac loves how bare it is and how covered it is. 

Angela wants to know how much of his original fabric Anthony used. Angela and Sean used it, but Georgina thinks he didn’t keep to the rules of the challenge. Neither does Isaac. Uh-oh.

Georgina loves the proportions of Austin’s outfit. Sean thought the left shoulder is too much. Isaac doesn’t like the rip in her stocking, but he thinks it’s divine. 

The judges like Rami’s outfit, though Sean thinks the hat’s too much. Isaac thinks Austin loves making a girl look girly. Georgina thinks Mondo’s look was fresh and modern, though Isaac thinks it’s a little too stylish. 

Isaac thinks Jerell’s outfit shows too much stomach. Angela thinks he totally missed the concept of making a dress. Isaac can’t understand what Michael was doing. Isaac felt Anthony’s look was lazy, and Georgina thinks he cheated. But Isaac loves a jumpsuit! 

Hmm, I think Anthony’s out. 

Rami is… safe. Mondo and Austin are the top two. And the winner is… Mondo! Even though Mondo’s seemed tired and not entirely himself this season, I’m always rooting for him. Austin is safe.  

On to the losers. Jerell is… safe. Michael had construction issues. Anthony played it too safe. Anthony is… going home. Michael slaps his hands over his mouth and sobs. He’s so sorry! Anthony comforts HIM. Michael is in dire need of either counseling or media training. Not EVERYTHING is cause for a Joan Crawford fist-biting moment, Michael. 

Anyway, at least Anthony’s okay with getting auf’ed He has no regrets and no disappointments. He’s good! I do think Anthony’s designs were a lot better this season, but I didn’t see him going all the way to the end. Still, I do hate to see him go — he has a job waiting for him on “Fashion Police,” if you ask me.

Do you think Kenley was being too helpful? What did you think of Jerell’s outfit? And do you think Anthony’s outfit was auf-worthy?