Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow strike classic pose in new ‘Iron Man 3’ poster

After yesterday’s cavalcade of “Iron Man 3” new and features, you’d think that Marvel Studios wouldn’t have any thing left to show fans. 

However, there’s always something new to reveal when it comes to summer blockbusters. The studio unveiled what we think is the final poster today, as well as a new international trailer, which is essentially identical to the new domestic one, only with more footage of the sequel’s China shoot.

The classic-looking new poster shows a battered Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr). and Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) in an embrace, as Iron Men ascend all around them. Stark’s troubles were just beginning in “The Avengers.” Paltrow’s head looks like it’s turned a little further than is naturally possible. Could she be possessed? Or is it just another case of sloppy photoshopping?

Check out the new poster here:

“Iron Man 3” also stars Ben Kingsley, Don Cheadle, Rebecca Hall and Guy Pearce. Shane Black — who directed Downey Jr. in “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” — co-wrote and directed. It takes place after the events in last summer’s “The Avengers,” and kicks off Phase 2 of Marvel’s Movie Universe, which will also include “Captain America: The Winter Solider,” “Thor: The Dark World” and “Guardians of the Galaxy.” It’s a good time to be a Marvel fan. 

Here’s the new international trailer:

What do you think of the new poster and trailer?

“Iron Man 3” opens May 3.