Priceless photo: Robert Downey Jr. made a kid cry by not actually being Iron Man

This little boy named Jaxson Denno should be happy because his first name contains all the best Scrabble letters. But he’s sad because he wanted to meet Iron Man and instead got Robert Downey Jr. And now he probably knows that superheroes aren’t real, which means it’s only a matter of time before he makes the leap to Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and the Morton’s Salt girl.

Young Jaxson was all stoked that his mother was going to take him to meet a beloved superhero, who happened to be shooting a movie… er, I mean, fighting crime, in his Massachusetts town. But the 18-month-old tot had no interest in meeting a regular old actor, even if he did happen to be as well-coiffed as RJD was on this particular day.

According to a comment from Jaxson’s mother, the youngster got over his sadness pretty quickly after it was explained that he had, in fact, met the guy who plays Iron Man in the movies. But that photo wasn’t nearly as hilarious.