Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on the ‘Twilight’ reboot idea

Are you ready for “Twilight 2.0”?

Lately, rumors have been growing about Lionsgate/Summit’s franchise plans after the final film, “Breaking Dawn, Part 2” hits theaters this November. Could a total reboot really be in the cards?

Stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart discussed the idea at today’s “Twilight” press conference at the San Diego Comic-Con. Co-stars Taylor Lautner and Mackenzie Foy also took part.  

“I think it would be amazing. I would love to say that,” Pattinson admitted. He added jokingly, “I pity the person who takes over my part.”

Stewart seems less excited about a reboot. The “Snow White and the Huntsman” star opined that the current ending is satisfying as it is. “I would be open to the idea. I’d be curious to see what it is,” she added.

With the recent success of the quickly put together “Amazing Spider-Man” reboot, it doesn’t seem so very far-fetched. After all, Summit (now owned by Lionsgate) is The House That Twilight Built, and even with “Hunger Games” series going strong at Lionsgate, the temptation to continue catering to TwiHards must be mighty hard to resist. 

“Twilight” creator and author Stephenie Meyer was also on the panel in San Diego.

She said that a reboot shouldn’t come for another 20 years, however admitting that “it would be interesting, but it would be so hard.” Maybe the once-planned version of the story being re-told from Edward’s point-of-view will finally come to fruition. “Bella’s story is definitely told. It’s final,” concluded Meyer.

Pattinson joked about a divorced Edward and Bella going up against one another in a final showdown, name-checking “Mr. & Mrs. Smith.”

“I could totally rip your head off,” Stewart laughingly replied. 

Would you be interested in a “Twilight” reboot? How soon would you be willing to pay to see another take on the franchise?