Veteran acts still rule the touring roost: Midway through 2012, Roger Waters” “The Wall Live” is the top-grossing concert outing.
Based on reporting to Billboard Boxscore from Nov. 1, 2011 to May 31, 2012 announced by Billboard today, “The Wall Live” has grossed $131.4 million from 1.2 million tickets sold to easily top the second place entry: “Michael Jackson: The Immortal Tour by Cirque du Soleil,” which grossed $68.4 million.
Other vets in the top 10 include Bruce Springsteen, Pearl Jam and Van Halen. The only acts in the top 10 who released their first albums in the new millennium are Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift and Kanye West, whose “Watch The Throne” tour with Jay-Z comes in at No. 4. While older acts may not have the impact at radio that they once did and that their younger counterparts do, they can still command top dollar and a large audience based on their strong catalog of hits.
The Top 10 touring acts of 2012
1. Roger Waters, $131.4 million
2. Michael Jackson”s “Immortal,” $68.4 million
3. Bruce Springsteen, $52.4 million
4. Jay-Z/Kanye West, $46 million
5. Lady Gaga, $44 million
6. Van Halen, $38.6 million
7. Trans-Siberian Orchestra, $33 million
8. Taylor Swift, $26.3 million
9. Pearl Jam, $25.4 million
10. Andre Rieu, $25.3 million