Round-Up: 13 Traumatizing #SadToy Ideas From Twitter

When @ Midnight asked their followers to come up with the best ‘Sad Toys’ they could think of, the response was immediate and overwhelming. What it says about us as a culture where we gleefully turn childhood icons into cynical shells of their former selves is up for debate. But one thing is obvious: these toy idea are traumatically hilarious and I would buy every single one of them.

#1: Use the mirror. Is he breathing?


#2: A life lesson we all could learn.


#3 Hey, it’s teaching STEM sciences! Technically!:


#4: Megatron will always return. Best to just give up now.


#5: Did he have a strong brow? Facial hair?


#6: Finally a toy that looks like us.












#12: Build your own stage theater!


#13: An exercise in how the system fails despite good intentions.
