Marvel‘s Runaways got to a slow start. Part of that was just the show wanted to firmly establish both what these kids were leaving behind and just why their parents were so willing to stuff people into a glowing box of radioactive fire. But, last week, everybody got their powers (or at least close enough), and we finally found out Pride’s motivation, so now the season can really get going.
What’s been really interesting, and sometimes frustrating, is how close they’ve stuck to the comic in some respects while turning away from it in others. After all, these kids haven’t actually run away yet, despite the title of the show. And perhaps the problem is that it arrives every Tuesday, instead of all at once as a binge-watch. But, once the impatience worn off, Runaways has begun to live up to the promise of the first two episodes. So now the question becomes where they go next, especially now that, in most cases, their parents are fully aware the kids have superpowers and know they’re villains.
This Week’s Geeky TV
Monday, December 11th
The Gifted, 8pm, Fox: We haven’t talked much about Fox’s X-Men show, but it is pretty fun, and if you’re caught up on your other shows this week, it’s worth a shot to get caught up before the season finale arrives in January. The show’s just taking a break over Christmas.
Wednesday, December 13th
Riverdale, 8pm, The CW, Midseason Finale: Last episode, everybody broke up with everybody, so hey, surely that’s not going to end with somebody getting shot by the insane vigilante stalking Betty. Right?
Friday, December 15th
Agents Of SHIELD, 9pm, ABC: Last episode, they decided to put highly-trained secret agent Daisy, who over the last five years has beaten up everybody from HYDRA agents to tools of Satan, into the gladiatorial ring. Maybe bring a shovel to scrape up the other guy.
Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments!