Director Shane Black wants The Predator (his upcoming addition to the franchise) to be an event film in the vein of Iron Man, but he also wants it to scare the ___ out of audiences. It's a tricky balance to strike.
Black — the director of Iron Man 3 and The Nice Guys among other films — had a small role in the original Predator and did some uncredited writing on the film. He now returns to helm and co-write the sixth addition to the franchise, and from the sounds of it he's creating a horror/action hybrid.
During a recent interview with out own Drew McWeeny, Black talked about wanting to create a sense of fan anticipation months out from the film's release. Adding that he faced a challenge in that much of the mystery surrounding the Predator as a character has been lost, likening the “de-clawing” of the monster to the alien in Alien: Resurrection.
“How do you make it a scary alien invasion movie again?” Black asks. Was the Predator every truly scary, though?
Here, Roth Cornet and Chris Eggertsen talk about how The Predator can best be brought back to life.
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