Think the Church of Scientology appreciates this ‘South Park’ mobile billboard?

The Comedy Central marketing department has gone into overdrive in advance of the show's 20th season. In a stunt sure to please the series' controversy-delighting fans, the network has placed mobile billboards in front of several locations spoofed and/or featured in previous episodes, from the Church of Scientology to the White House to Trump Tower. Needless to say, the publicity stunt hasn't been universally welcomed. 

“In some cases, the locals were not pleased to have us outside their locations and asked us to leave, but that was all expected, and we completely understand why,” Comedy Central's chief marketing officer Walter Levitt told The Hollywood Reporter. Perturbed parties included individuals at the White House, the Lincoln Memorial and — wouldn't you know it — the Church of Scientology. I bet Casa Bonita didn't mind, however.

Below, you can find a full list of locations trolled by South Park and some photos courtesy of Comedy Central.


Colorado: South Park and Casa Bonita

Salt Lake City: Mormon Church Headquarters

Washington D.C.: Lincoln Memorial and the White House

Photo Credit: Comedy Central

Silicon Valley: Facebook Headquarters

New York: Trump Tower (campaign headquarters) and Hillary Clinton's N.Y. headquarters

Photo Credit: Comedy Central

Los Angeles: Church of Scientology, Whole Foods, Hooters, PF Changs, KFC

Photo Credit: Comedy Central

Buffalo: Canadian Border