Of all the new characters introduced in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Rey and Finn had the best chemistry. That’s why it was such a shame they were kept apart for almost all of Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi. She was on Ahch-To with the porgs and Luke Skywalker; he traveled to Canto Bight and fought Captain Phasma, and they didn’t reunite until the final moments of the film.
“It was horrible when I read the script for the first time and I wasn’t with her,” said John Boyega about their split. “We auditioned together. We went through this whole experience together. To be split apart was scary for me.” But, he continued, “I understood that is something that we could draw from, something that Finn really feels, and Rey really feels. And then I was like, Oh! Rian does know what he’s doing.” (It took Mark Hamill time to realize this, too.)
LucasFilm thinks Johnson knows what he’s doing, too, which is why he’s helming an all-new trilogy. That means he won’t have time to work on Episode IX — instead, the keys to the Star Wars kingdom have been handed to J.J. Abrams, who directed The Force Awakens, and Chris Terrio, and according to Boyega, they fixed the fan complaint about Rey and Finn’s separation.
“I haven’t read the script for Episode IX,” the Pacific Rim Uprising star said at Awesome Con over the weekend. “But Daisy [Ridley] did shoot me a text saying, “Oh my gosh, I just heard from J.J. [Abrams], and we’re back together. That’s what I’m really excited about, is Finn and Rey back together again.”
Stay together for the kids (BB-8).

(Via SlashFilm)