‘Suicide Squad’s’ Margot Robbie is a ‘massive Harry Potter nerd’ just like you

I'm perfectly comfortable in my nerdom but perhaps hearing Legend of Tarzan and Suicide Squad's Margot Robbie admit she's a “massive Harry Potter nerd” will finally help you realize being a geek is totally cool.

Robbie already has my heart for speaking rather frankly about women in Hollywood but she recently guested on Jimmy Kimmel Live to promote both Suicide Squad and The Legend of Tarzan in her pajamas so I hope we can hang out one day and be best friends forever. Especially when you consider this new reveal.

It just so happens that The Legend of Tarzan director David Yates also directed and produced several of the Harry Potter films which brought the discussion on Kimmel around to how exciting it was for Robbie to work with him considering she's a “massive Harry Potter nerd.”

Oh really? How big? Kimmel revealed a fantastic photo Robbie's friend sent in…

“Literally the most embarrassing photo of my whole life,” said Robbie while looking at her younger self sipping tea and reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

“I'm in bed, I'm clearly really enjoying myself reading Harry Potter, I have braces which I had for two years. I was really into slicking my hair back, god knows why,” she said, “and I'm wearing glasses which I didn't actually need. I had 20/20 vision and I lied to get glasses so I could look like Harry Potter.”

They conversation didn't last too long after that but I'm left with so many questions! Has she been officially sorted on Pottermore? Did she attend midnight releases? Did she cosplay? Who's her favorite character? Did she skim through all the S.P.E.W. stuff too??

You can check out the whole chat here.