‘Supergirl’ prop department goes for authenticity by actually writing in Kryptonese

Ali Adler, the executive producer of “Supergirl,” has been quietly posting behind-the-scenes images from the set on Instagram. Nothing fancy, just mostly photos of Melissa Benoist between takes eating delicious snacks. But today, she put up this image of a piece of alien metal with Kryptonian writing on it and a challenge:


Besides @melissabenoist who reads Kryptonese? @supergirlcbs #Supergirl

A photo posted by Ali Adler (@aliadler) on Aug 12, 2015 at 2:26pm PDT


Good thing the Internet is full of ciphers for fictional alphabets! While the Kryptonian writing doesn”t say anything crazy, it”s still fun to know this is definitely part of the ship that brought Kara to Earth.  Now if we can just figure out if these numbers are supposed to mean anything.

Upper Left Quadrant: 96638132

Upper Right Quadrant: HOUSE OF EL

Middle Left Quadrant: 966 381 3 6

Dead Center Quadrant: 1997

Lower Mid Quadrant: 557 391 67 8

Lower Right Quadrant: 678