Taylor Swift and B.o.B. tour Nashville in ‘Both of Us’ video

Taylor Swift lends her distinctive pipes and some hometown pride to her duet with rapper B.o.B. (AKA Bobby Ray) in the song “Both of Us.”

The brand new video shows the two of them in and around Nashville, Tenn. at a time when a lot of regular folks could use some lifting up (whether a B.o.B./Taylor Swift duet will fix the economy remains to be seen). 

Watch the video here:

Shot entirely in Swift’s adopted hometown of Nashville, “Both of Us” avoids the usual Music City locales, and instead focuses on some of the city’s more down-trodden areas. The song (especially B.o.B.’s verses) laments the current economic hard times and espouses a general Up With People mentality.

We get to see a lot of kids, dogs, old-fashioned (and run down) homes, trailers, sunsets, tattoos, and, of course, cute girls in cowboy boots. Its grime-meets-homespun nostalgia vibe is perfect for the song, which combines Swift’s pleasant, etherial vocal hook with Ray’s harder-edged verses. They both essentially say the same thing, only in different ways. 

The track is off B.o.B’s latest album “Strange Clouds.”

What do you think of the video?