It’s pistols at dawn in the HitFix critical fraternity today. Well, not really, but we can offer you two opposing reviews of Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s directorial debut, the sex comedy “Don Jon.” Reviewing out of Sundance (back when the film was called “Don Jon’s Addiction”), I was less than impressed, complaining that the film “[settles] on a laddish archness that undermines the seriousness of the addiction in question.” (I didn’t warm to it on a second look, though Scarlett Johansson’s firecracker performance as a feisty Jersey girl burned even brighter. As I wrote recently, a Best Supporting Actress campaign would not be undeserved.) Drew McWeeny, on the other hand, was wowed at South by Southwest, calling it “sharply written, sharply performed [and] one hell of a debut.” Which one of us do you agree with, or do you fall somewhere in between? Share your thoughts when you’ve seen the film, and be sure to vote in the poll below.