The Massey brothers talk about their (Bristol) Palin project

LAS VEGAS — Anyone hoping for bad girl antics and wild nights in Hollywood from Bristol Palin’s new reality TV project with her “Dancing with the Stars” pal Kyle Massey and his brother Christopher are likely to be disappointed. The way the Masseys described the show backstage at the 38th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards made it sound closer to “Three’s Company,” but more wholesome (and, we’re guessing, not as funny). “Bristol’s coming down from Alaska to live with us in L.A.,” Kyle said backstage at the Daytime Emmy Awards. “It’s pretty much us living life in L.A and showing her how we circulate in Hollywood.”

 And we weren’t kidding about the wholesome angle. Kyle added, “It’s really charity based. My brother and I have really been vocal about our part in chart in charity. We want to show that you can have fun in life without going to clubs.”
“But clubs are fun,” Christopher admitted.
“And I do both,” Kyle said with a grin. Still, Palin may not be able to hit the clubs with the brothers in any case. “She’s definitely going to bring her baby with her,” Christopher said. “Because it would be mean not to.”
While the friendship between Kyle and Palin may seem odd, he credits their kinship to the pressure cooker experience of “DWTS.” “The nervous energy, it really brought us all together,” he says. “Bristol’s cool. I call her all the time.” But not to whisper sweet nothings, mind you. As to tabloid reports of romance, Kyle says, “We just laugh about it.” Well, we’d still like him more than Levi Johnston in any case.