Always wanted to travel to the Land of Westeros but never thought you’d get the chance? Well now you can, sort of – but only if you can make it to London in the next 24 hours. That’s right, “Game of Thrones” maniacs: drop the kids, quit your job, sell the car, do whatever you need to do to get to London’s Bishop Square right this second, because a couple of guys named Joe and Max have painted a 3D street mural of The Wall there, and it’s going bye-bye at the end of the day…
…which is technically already over in London, so nevermind actually. But still, woah, look you guys!
Joe Pepler/REX
And also this one, which has construction workers in it. Don’t get too close to the edge, guys, it’s a long way down!
Joe Pepler/REX
And also this one, which has a silly British woman in it who’s like, “Woah look at me, I’m hanging from The Wall, take a picture and post it on the internet you guys!”
Joe Pepler/REX
And here is Joe or Max from Joe and Max, the artist duo commissioned by HBO to paint the amazing 3D landscape:
Joe Pepler/REX