This amazing ‘Game of Thrones’ 3D street painting may induce vertigo

Always wanted to travel to the Land of Westeros but never thought you’d get the chance? Well now you can, sort of – but only if you can make it to London in the next 24 hours. That’s right, “Game of Thrones” maniacs: drop the kids, quit your job, sell the car, do whatever you need to do to get to London’s Bishop Square right this second, because a couple of guys named Joe and Max have painted a 3D street mural of The Wall there, and it’s going bye-bye at the end of the day…

…which is technically already over in London, so nevermind actually. But still, woah, look you guys!

Joe Pepler/REX

And also this one, which has construction workers in it. Don’t get too close to the edge, guys, it’s a long way down!

Joe Pepler/REX

And also this one, which has a silly British woman in it who’s like, “Woah look at me, I’m hanging from The Wall, take a picture and post it on the internet you guys!”

Joe Pepler/REX

And here is Joe or Max from Joe and Max, the artist duo commissioned by HBO to paint the amazing 3D landscape:

Joe Pepler/REX


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