NEW YORK — Tim Burton says his latest producing project “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” takes him back to a time when you could check out monster movie double features in Times Square. Furthermore, he found the premise to be even “plausible.”
“I’d seen picture of Lincoln and how strange and compelling and haunted he looked, so the idea that he was up at night hunting vampires didn’t seem like such a stretch,” Burton said in his recent interview with HitFix. Add in the historical terrors of Civil War times, and you’ve got a fun spin on a story. “So the whole thing — as outlandish as it sounded — seemed quite plausible in that it was [telling] the real story.”
Burton helmed the cinematic take on the TV series “Dark Shadows” earlier this year, another take on a vampire story. Especially after that, and with the “Twilight Saga” stories finishing up, along with other vampire movies, does Burton feel like audiences can get vampire fatigue?
“I’ve loved vampire movies since I was 5 years old,” he said. “For me it’s not a trend.”
Check out what else Burton had to say in adopting this book adaptation, and perhaps why he’s had moret than a few blonde lady-villains (ex: “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter,” “Dark Shadows,” “Sleepy Hollow,” “Mars Attacks!”) crop up in his films.
“Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” is in theaters tomorrow (June 22).