(CBR) Racing with the “Fast and Furious” franchise, evading bounty hunters in the “Riddick” series and saving the galaxy in “Guardians of the Galaxy” isn”t enough action and intrigue for Vin Diesel. No, the man needs to kick things up a notch by tracking down and killing witches.
That”s exactly what he”ll do in “The Last Witch Hunter,” director Breck Eisner”s upcoming action movie that stars Diesel as an ancient hero who – you guessed it – hunts after witches. In the film, Diesel”s character Kaulder is tasked with pursuing a group of witches in modern-day New York City.
Feast your eyes on this:
You wouldn”t know that the film takes place in present times from the first official photo, which Diesel posted on his Facebook page. It shows Kaulder in the 13th century, heavily bearded, with what appears to be frost or ash (or possibly even theater glue?) on his upper lip. It”s an indication that Kaulder has been at this witch-hunting thing for a little while.
The movie, currently in production, also stars Rose Leslie (“Game of Thrones”) and Elijah Wood (“Sin City”).