Talk about an ice age. Drake and Rihanna”s clip for “Take Care” is visit to the frozen tundra of your heart.
The two characters want to take care of each other, but are too scared to let themselves be vulnerable. In the strikingly shot, primarily black and white clip, a minimalist aesthetic that matches the starkness of the loneliness both Drake and Rihanna feel perfectly matches the tone. There is a buffalo, bird and fish thrown in for good measure, as well as beautiful nature footage of a snow-covered landscape.
[More after the jump…]
Drake and Rihanna cling to each other as they try to navigate their complicated relationship.
As things get even more treacherous, the landscape burns, the buffalo dodges arrows and the scorched earth smolders.
It”s a moody set piece that matches the feel of the lyrics and doesn”t adhere to a specific narrative. Directed by Yoann Lemoine, it”s a stunning visual that lets its stillness tell the story very effectively.
What do you think?
Drake ~ Take Care Feat. Rihanna from OctobersVeryOwn on Vimeo.