Stop what you”re doing and take a chill break by watching the lovely video for “Longing to Belong,” from Eddie Vedder”s “Ukulele Songs.” We guarantee you”ll feel more relaxed within three minutes.
Amid a backdrop of silent waves cascading and sunny skies, Vedder strums his uke as he sings about hoping his loved one will come around. The “loved one,” seen only fleetingly, is, of course, of the super model variety (despite all his sensitivity, he is a rock star, after all). The gorgeous water footage looks very similar to some of the scenes used in the Pearl Jam clip for “Amongst the Waves.” Hey, we”re all for a little recycling.
It”s a sweet, simple clip whose tone perfectly matches the low-key, simple, beguiling song.
“Ukulele Songs” comes out May 31.