“Bridesmaids” is a huge pleasure on a lot of levels.
As a fan of Paul Feig and Judd Apatow and their work together, I’m delighted to see a new collaboration between the two of them turn out so well.
As a fan of Kristen Wiig’s work in smaller supporting roles, it is a thrill to see what happens when she moves center-stage and actually writes her own lead role.
And as a fan of strong comedians, it is a real joy to see a film that’s designed as a sort of showcase for a number of strong players who don’t always get the proper material.
One of the things I liked most in the film is the onscreen friendship between Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph, no doubt fueled in part by the offscreen friendship between the two of them. In a world where so many films aimed at women seem to focus on the most toxic and vile versions of “friendship” imaginable, it is impressive to see a nuanced, complicated relationship that goes through some very real and recognizable highs and lows in the course of a mere two hour film.
And, yes, it helps that it is often hysterically funny at the same time.
We had a chance to speak to these two on set, and then again at the press day for the film a few weeks ago, and aside from the way they both shatter the notion that “comedy is not pretty,” they are also both very focused, very smart performers who can speak about their craft without making it seem precious. Our more recent conversation was brief, but it was one of those that just breezed by precisely because of how charming and relaxed they are together.
We talk about dozens, even hundreds of films a year, and when I recommend something, you have to take that as part of a sliding scale. I like movies frequently, and I am absolutely willing to pass on a recommendation for a flawed film if I see something in it that’s worthwhile. It is a bonus when I love everything about a movie, when I feel like it’s overstuffed with goodness, and “Bridesmaids” is one of those movies that I would tell anyone to go see. It is a triumph for all involved, and we’ll have more interviews for you all week long.
You can read my review for the film from the SXSW Film Festival here.
“Bridesmaids” opens in theaters everywhere this Friday.