Watch out Oscar: Banksy’s officially in town (we think)

There has been a lot of speculation just who will accept the best documentary Oscar if the film “Exit Through The Gift Shop” were to win.  The picture was directed by the notoriously secretive British street artist Banksy and, like the artist does with his graffiti work, the film turns its head on the documentary filmmaking process.  The chances of “Exit” winning are slim mostly because in order to vote in the category you have to prove to the Academy you’ve seen all five nominated films.  That usually means a much more select group with lots of time on their hands (cough, retired, cough) end up judging the winners.  And, to be frank, it’s hard to see “Exit” being their cup of tea.  “If” the independently released doc were to win, however, would Banksy, who has outstanding arrest warrants related to his illegal graffiti, really risk a public appearance to accept the award?  Moreover, how does the Academy even ticket him if they have no idea who he is?

We’ve reached out to the Academy for comment on the matter and will update if they respond.

While we all ponder that perplexing scenario, Banksy has apparently arrived in Los Angeles and is making his presence known (or at least his minions are).  Up to four different graffiti works have appeared within the past week which are in his style and three of which he has taken credit for.  The blog Melrose and Fairfax has done an excellent job tracking Banksy’s work. 

The first piece featured a young boy with a machine gun among a field of flowers drawn in crayon.  It’s still visible in Westwood on Kinross Street, in between Westwood and Glendon.

The second work featured Peanuts’ character Charlie Brown smoking a cigarette with a gasoline canister in his hands (and no, we don’t understand why someone kept putting their cat in front of the artwork either).  It was on the Sunset Strip, but has already been covered up by an annoyed owner.

Banksy’s third work will likely get him in trouble the most.  He hijacked a billboard on Sunset Blvd. across from the Director’s Guild of America building and appears to feature Mickey and Minnie Mouse “living the dream.”  (It’s the new Disney!)  Sadly, it was taken down within 24 hours.

The fourth piece features Banksy as a British bulldog leaving a golden mark on a LA wall.  It’s location has been kept quiet so far most likely to ensure its safety.

Banksy has made it known he was planning just  four pieces of work, but can he really stay quiet with the Oscars still two weeks away?  Especially with two of the works disappearing so quickly? 

Perhaps he’s got something special planned for the massive Oscar billboard on the corner of Hollywood and Highland.  Now, hijacking that tower would really be something…

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