Wonder Woman, Catwoman and more DC heroine team-ups we’d like to see


Any episode of a DC television show titled “Birds of Prey” is going to come under incredible scrutiny. After all, that”s the name of one of DC”s longest-lived – and most beloved – ongoing female-lead series. Since most comic book movies still don”t pass the Bechdel test, fans are more than eager to see female interactions that don”t hinge upon their male co-stars in television shows and movies. Now that Arrow has come close to introducing Huntress and Black Canary”s storied partnership on TV, we have five other female partnerships that we want to see make the transition from the page to the screen.

Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy

This dynamic duo starred in one of the most endearing and enduring episodes of “Batman: The Animated Series,” as it depicted DC”s Thelma and Louise painting Gotham red. Harley”s already had an Easter egg appearance in “Arrow, meaning that the CW show could eventually get around to featuring this criminal couple. And by “could” we mean “should.”

Fire & Ice

With “The Flash” bringing real super powers to the DC television universe, it might make sense for characters like Fire and Ice to appear together. These heroes, both able to control their namesakes, could easily fit into the new CW show, should it go past the pilot stage. The duo already appeared in the rightfully shelved “Justice League of America” pilot from the late “90s. “Flash” is already winking to old school fans by casting “90s Flash John Wesley Shipp; maybe a Fire and Ice appearance could be the next Easter egg.

Catwoman & Holly

“Gotham’s” already got a Catwoman in Camren Bicondova, so maybe they”ll include her partner in crime Holly Robinson as well. Holly became Catwoman”s primary confidant during her ongoing series in the early “00s, and she even picked up the whip to replace Selina Kyle in 2006. As an out lesbian, Holly would also help diversify “Gotham’s” cast and become one of the first prominent LGBT characters in a super hero adaptation.

Lois Lane & Wonder Woman

If Wonder Woman has to make her big screen debut in a Superman sequel, then Zack Snyder and friends should really take advantage of the opportunity and put this pair in as many scenes together as super humanly possible. Amy Adams” strong performance as Lois Lane deserves a plot that doesn”t revolve around Clark Kent, and Wonder Woman needs to meet a mortal woman that matches her in the gravitas department. These two already paired up for the excellent “Day In the Life” issue of “Wonder Woman.” Put that in the movie, please.

Birds of Prey

“Arrow” teased viewers by putting Huntress and Black Canary in an episode together, but they still haven”t fulfilled the promise of the episode”s title. Viewers need to see these two team up alongside an Oracle, and then that trio needs to show Oliver Queen how to whip Starling City into shape. Speculation”s already running rampant that “Arrow's” resident computer whiz Felicity Smoak will take up the Oracle moniker eventually, thus creating a uniquely “Arrow”-ized version of the team. But if “Arrow”wants to really wow fans, they”ll put Barbara Gordon on the small screen again before any other shows get the chance. After all, baby Babs is a few seasons away from showing up on “Gotham.”