Rebecca Romijn Is ‘Absolutely’ Down To Don The Mystique Blue Body Paint Again

Listen, I’m as big a fan of Jennifer Lawrence as the next guy (I was inappropriately crushing on her back in her Winter’s Bone days, you posers) and I’ve found her performances as a naked blue lady in the recent X-Men movies truly inspiring, but let’s be real – Rebecca Romijn is still the definitive Mystique.

Well, according to a recent interview with Digital Spy, Romijn would “absolutely” be into donning the pasties and blue paint again. She also talked to Jennifer Lawrence extensively about the role…

“But from what I understand, her make-up is very different from the make-up I went through. I don’t think she had to go through everything that I went through. It sounds like she had an easier time, although my theory is that going through nine hours of make-up, you’re in such a rotten mood, you can’t be anything but evil. It turns you into the villain that you need to be to play Mystique properly!”

Mystique is set to be a major focus of X-Men: Apocalypse, and considering all the time-traveling, alternate universe bidness these movies are starting to delve into, I see no reason why both ladies can’t be in the same movie or even the same scene. Then again, naked blue Rebecca Romijn and Jennifer Lawrence in the same scene? That might set off the Apocalypse for real.

Via Digital Spy