Will Smith And Jada Pinkett Smith Are Reportedly Trying To Secretly Divorce

Will Smith Jada Pinkett Smith Divorce
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The blessed union of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith has been plagued by divorce rumors for years now, but, if this new report is to be believed, the couple might finally be getting ready to end their marriage of 17 years. According to Radar, the parents of Willow and Jaden have already worked out a confidential settlement to split their combined $240 million fortune.

“For Will and Jada, holding it together these past few years has been tough because their marriage has been on life support for a long time,” an insider told Radar.

“They’re exhausted from trying to maintain the facade of a happy union,” the source continued. “They’ve decided to pull the plug in a carefully choreographed manner, [and] agree announcing their split at the end of the summer is the right move.”

If reports are true, and Will and Jada really have been putting on a facade for all these years, they sure have been overcompensating the hell out of it. It’s almost like these two don’t act for a living and understand the subtle nuances of faking a reasonably happy marriage after almost two decades.

(Radar via New York Daily News)