Punk band shoots porno on Westboro Baptist Church front lawn

Current law doesn’t allow families of dead soldiers to beat Westboro Baptist members to death with their own arms while they protest funerals, which is really a shame, but some enterprising members of society have found other avenues of reprisal. Following up on a group of satanists performing a gay ritual on Fred Phelps’ mom’s grave back in July, a “ridiculously sleazy” punk band from Sacramento has released a porn video shot on the Westboro Baptist Church lawn.

Topeka, KS – It was a nice sunny day just before noon in the small but well known city of Topeka when punk rock band, Get Shot! from California arrived at the Westboro Baptist Church to film their bass player, Laura Lush masturbate on their front lawn, completely naked.

Topeka is well-known? Must’ve gotten a new publicist.

“There was a lot of traffic and we saw a few cops at a coffee shop a few blocks away. We barley [sic] had enough gas money and cocaine to make it to Denver for our next concert. Since we can’t afford bail, we had to cut it a little short before the cops got called. If someone will bail us out, we will bring a group of girls and a whole camera crew when we come back in a few months” – J.P. Hunter, Get Shot!

Get Shot! are no strangers to law enforcement and say they have spotted undercover police officers at their concerts to see if public indecency or drug use occur on stage. The band recently started a free porn site, GETSHOTGIRLS.COM, where the uncensored Westboro video can be viewed. [via the band’s press release on Facebook]

It’s kind of weak that it doesn’t involve anal, but I’m always saying that. And it’s a transparent ploy for attention, but as long as it antagonizes Westboro Baptist it’s fine by me. Incidentally, I got arrested for a similar stunt on Jennifer Lawrence’s patio. I consider myself a political prisoner.

You can watch the NSFW video here. Hat tip: Gawker.